Iggy Nutmeg goes into the hairstylist business with his new invention: The Cat's Ass Hair Dryer.Heathcliff is obviously a sexist, harboring a deep hatred for women. It seems that he can no longer encounter a woman without plopping his ass down on her head. Look back at this strip from just 3 days ago (July 4, 2009). This cat has some definite psychological problems that need to be addressed.
We've seen in recent posts that Heathcliff has been resisting intimacy with women. It would appear that Heathcliff desires women, possibly even needs them. However, his need for women gives them a power over him that terrifies him and therefore he has tried to distance himself from females. He's even tried striking up relationships with trash cans and a refrigerator recently, as there is no need to be intimate with such "partners," and no chance of rejection. This has brought Heathcliff to his present state in which he now treats women with contempt and aggression, thereby asserting his own independence and fragile masculinity.
On July 4, Heathcliff humiliated Mrs Nutmeg by somehow wedging her head up his ass. In today's strip, he hasn't managed to accomplish the same thing with this strange woman, however, the humility goes further because he has actually gone to sleep with his ass on her head. The woman seems quite disturbed, and is even leaning forward slightly to keep Heathcliff from sliding off and waking up.
However, despite Heathcliff's strange behavior, even stranger things are happening here. For one, why do most men in Heathcliff's town wear yellow shoes (Iggy apparently is a member of the Yellow Shoe Youth Corps)? Second, why is Iggy's right foot swollen? And thirdly, what the hell is Iggy doing with his right hand?