Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009 Heathcliff Analyzed

Having expired after eating rotten fish, Heathcliff is carried to heaven by an angelic raccoon.

Heathcliff and a raccoon have been gifted with the superhero power of flight. Hovering above the city dump, they are fighting over an exploding ball of popcorn while holding the skeletal remains of a fish and some unidentified animal. A man in a jumpsuit guarding the entrance to the dump, is telling his identically attired partner that he is repeatedly hearing a "high-five sound." This can most likely be attributed to the toxic fumes coming from the dump. Even if Heathcliff and his friend were slapping each other high-fives, two flying mammals bringing their paws together would produce a much different sound.

As always, night in the Heathcliff comics is indicated by a single black cloud in the sky which the moon (minus a square chunk) has somehow gotten in front of.

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