This is a great site that you have here. I have a humor blog myself and I would like to exchange links with you. Let me know if this is possible. Jason
I started this blog for my son, but since that time he's kind of lost interest in it. And since there isn't a great deal of interest from the outside world either, I'll no longer be updating every day.
If however, some unknown reader should happen to be terribly disappointed by this decision, let me know and I'll try to start it back on a daily basis. Otherwise, I'll just be posting to it when the mood strikes me.
I had known that Heathcliff existed, but unfortunately I never paid him any attention. Had I done so, maybe I could figure out what the hell is going on in his comic strip. It is my understanding that Heathcliff has even been given his own animated series, in which he has acquired the power of speech. I won't even attempt to analyze that. The comic strip is more than enough to keep me busy. Anyway, maybe I'll lighten up to this strange cat as I come to know him better. I really have nothing against him now. I think my problem is simply that some talentless artist is making money from this. I too am talentless, and I feel left out.
This is a great site that you have here. I have a humor blog myself and I would like to exchange links with you. Let me know if this is possible. Jason